Why is my baby crying?
Every baby is born with its own personality, some babies hardly cry
at all while others may cry often. But why is that?
The biggest reason a baby may cry is it has a need that needs to be met. These needs may be because they are hungry, need changing, or may just be uncomfortable. Sometimes, it's because they need held and cuddled - physical touch is a very real need babies have and it helps them grow mentally and emotionally, so get those snuggles in. Yet there are times still your baby may just cry to cry, and we don't know why - this is okay. You are still a good parent, your baby is still a good baby, and it will be okay.
Interesting fact: Some babies will cry more during 6 to 8 weeks in age. This too shall pass.

When your baby cries, it is okay to soothe them, pick them up, and comfort them. This helps them build trust. As they get older, you will learn what their cries mean just by listening to them.
Remember your baby is learning the world, and you are learning your baby.
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