You can also make this into a flannel board. Image from
Project: Spider up the water spout
Supplies needed:Plastic Spiders, Picture of water spout (on card stalk or mounted on construction paper for stability),Spider web stickers,Glue,Blue water color paint in spray bottle
Sing the song with the project
Put spots of glue down for where the spiders will go. Or ask them “it is time to put on your spiders where would you like them to go” Later after it dries you can let them put web stickers on the page.
Later you can spray the blue paint water on the picture to represent the rain coming down.
Goal: fine motor development, environments and sensory explorations
You can glue the words on the picture either before or after the project is done:
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Take the learning outside and go on a spider hunt. Look at the spiders and their webs with a magnifying glass. Talk about how delicate the webs are. See if you can find different types of spiders. Some are big, some are small, some are brown, grey and even black.
Books to read with this project:
The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carl
Miss Spider’s Tea Party by David Kirk
Itsy Bitsy Spider by Keith Chapman